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Campus Advisories

HCC Evacuation Procedure

Shelter In Place

In the event the building has to be evacuated, notification will be made by activating the college’s fire alarm system. All persons in classrooms / offices should exit the building as quickly but efficiently as possible. It is recommended that you:

  • Be familiar of the evacuation route from the classroom / office you are in.  This can be accomplished by viewing the maps and directions located above the door.  It is very important to follow the listed evacuation route as designated to avoid overloading any one spot such as the “B” Door.
  • Make sure you are aware of a secondary route should your primary route not be available.
  • Do Not Use The Elevator.
  • Faculty / Staff should assist students in evacuating the building and move across the street from the college property.
  • Assist any disabled or challenged persons to the nearest stairwell.Stairwells are designated “areas of refuge” which are fire rated for this purpose. Two way communications is available in all refuge areas. Inform Security by using the intercom in the stairwell.  Evacuation personnel will respond to assist. 

Once you have exited the building

  • Proceed to the designated area outside of the building at least across one of the streets from the campus.
  • Remain there until you are notified as to the next course of action

A shelter in place condition may be required for a number of different types of emergencies, such as a hostile intruder, violent or weapons situation, a chemical spill or plume, severe weather or civil unrest. Shelter in place announcements are given in English only over the building Emergency Telephone Notification System (Informacast) and the public address systems. Real time text messages may be issued using the Everbridge platform.

IF A HOSTILE INTRUDER IS PRESENT ON CAMPUS, quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life.  A hostile intruder situation can change rapidly.  In addition to being aware of your surroundings and escape routes, thinking about how you will react to a hostile intruder situation in advance will help you act quickly and efficiently. Take time to understand your surroundings and environment then make a plan.

During an active shooter or hostile intruder event, there are three choices an individual can make:


If possible, run to an exit, evacuate the building and get to a safe location – this is your first option.  If a safe exit is available, take it immediately.  Warn others of the impending danger and encourage them to come with you, but do not let them slow you down.


If a safe escape is not possible, proceed to the nearest office or classroom until help arrives or safe exit is available.  Close, lock and barricade doors and windows, turn off lights, hide behind something thick, and silence cell phones. Call 911. Your goal is not only to stay out of sight, but to prevent the shooter from reaching you.  Barricades also distract the shooter, allowing more time for you and responders.  Do not answer the door or respond to voice commands until you are sure they are coming from police or other legitimate responders. Stay: calm, quiet, wait.


As a last resort, and only if your life is in danger, you may choose to fight.  Be aggressive, use improvised weapons (fire extinguishers, scissors, hot coffee, glass containers, or anything else available), and commit to your actions.  Fight as a group if possible.  This action also distracts the shooter and allows time and opportunity for police to act.