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Safety & Security

The Advocate System

The Advocate System is our system for online reporting of incidents, student conduct, student concerns and Title IX reports. Student conduct/incident reports provide the college with a process to report and resolve questions about a student’s conduct in relation to the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct. The Care Report provides the opportunity to share concerns about the well-being of any member of the campus community. Concerns may include but are not limited to: academic concerns, mental health or medical issues, food, medical or housing insecurities, personal or family problems, transition or adjustment struggles and or conduct issues or violations. The Title IX report should be submitted if sexual harassment, sex discrimination, gender discrimination or sexual assault violations occur.

Click Here For Incident Reports

Making A Care Report

If you feel that there is an incident or situation that may lead to an individual harming themselves or others, or if there is an emergency, or a significant threat to this college or the community, please dial 9-1-1 or contact Campus Security immediately at 203-332-5025.

If you are concerned about the behavior or well-being of any member of this campus community, please complete an online Care Report. These concerns may include but are not limited to: academic concerns, mental health or medical issues, food, medical or housing insecurities, personal or family problems, transition or adjustment struggles and or conduct issues or violations. Each report should include as much detail as possible regarding the behavior or incident of concern. Once the report has been submitted, the reporter will receive a computer-generated response acknowledging the report has been successfully submitted.

Click Here For Care Reports


After an online support has been submitted, it will be immediately sent to the Director of Counseling and Wellness who will triage the report to the proper department for investigation. However, do not expect an immediate response. If this is an emergency that warrants an immediate response, please contact Campus Security immediately at 203-332-5025. Thank you.

Title IX Grievance Report

Housatonic Community College does not tolerate sex or gender discrimination, including sexual misconduct such as sexual harassment and sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence. These behaviors, as well as any related retaliation, are prohibited under CSCU Sexual Misconduct policy. The college has a responsibility to investigate and address complaints or reports of prohibited conduct. The reporting options include filing an internal complaint, reporting the conduct anonymously and/or reporting the conduct to law enforcement(not done through the form below). If you wish to make a complaint or report of sex discrimination, sexual misconduct or other behavior prohibited by the policy, please complete the following form. This form will be sent directly to the Title IX coordinator and invokes the College's internal disciplinary process.

Click Here For Title IX Reports

Academic Complaints

A student who has an academic concern should first confer with the faculty member. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the conference, the student should meet with the Department Chairperson or Coordinator who will consult with the faculty member to help resolve the concern. Once the Department Chairperson or Coordinator has concluded their review of the concern and informed the student of any decision, the student may then contact the Academic Dean for further assistance.

Click Here For Flowchart