1) No - This does not apply to me this semester
2) Women's FESP Program
3) Men's Success Program
4) ReEntry Program
If you have received this Emergency assistance before, was it within 365 days for todays date? IF YES: You are currently not eligible to apply. IF NO: Please proceed with this application.
You are required to be registered at Housatonic, Housatonic must be your home campus, be in good academic standing, and presently in a current class at Housatonic. If not, apply when you are presently attending a current class at Housatonic, otherwise contact your college’s Foundation for assistance.
Housatonic Foundation is required to apply Emergency Tuition Assistance toward the balance of current or the semester that just finished at Housatonic only. *Upcoming classes and balances from prior academic years are not considered an urgent emergency.
Students requesting emergency Housatonic tuition assistance need to apply for Housatonic Foundation Scholarships before classes start.
If you are requesting emergency assistance for tuition, moving forward you are required to apply for the Housatonic Foundation scholarship instead.
All students should utilize the Career Services at Housatonic./p>
You are required to upload your bill or invoice for the business that needs to be paid. Please review the first page for items that may not be covered. Checks are never written students for any emergency assistance, and I understand that.: Yes or No
What am I required to upload? You are required to upload your current outstanding bill & current HCC Schedule.Your mailing details need to match what the college has on file.
What are we required to see on a current bill?your name on the billyour address on the billyour billing account numberThe current billing due date (month, day, year)The full amount due on the current billThe Company billing you.The Company address where you send your bill.
We required to see the company billing you, such as:HOUSATONICFollett BookstoreYour utility CompanyYour DoctorYour child’s DaycareYour landlordYour mechanic, etc
STEPS: Log In (ctstate.edu) Home /Student Self Service / access Degree Works / Screen will say "Program Audit" / GO TO the TOP RIGHT of the internet screen / CLICK the Options or three dots (...) / CLICK PRINT / PRINT AS PDF, Save the file and Upload High school students may upload a PDF of their HS transcript.
Upload Your Outstanding Bill You need help with - PDF preferred Finding your College Bill: In a separate tab, login to (ctstate.edu) Home / Student Self Service / Access your Student account / Pull up your electronic bill Creating a PDF of ANY online Bill: GO TO the TOP RIGHT of the internet screen / CLICK the Options or three dots (...) / CLICK PRINT / PRINT AS PDF, Save the file and Upload
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